दामोदर घाटी निगम Damodar Valley Corporation

Damodar Valley Corporation

The mode of recruitment is All India Examinations through open advertisements followed by Group Discussion, Psychometric test & Personal Interview.
Recruitment is conducted for various functional & technical areas such as Mechanical Engg, Electrical Engg., C & I , IT, Civil, HR, Finance, Communication etc. Pay scales are as per GoI norms.
The complete application process for recruitment for all posts has been made online through DVC website. Employment notification is published in leading newspapers in three languages i.e English, Hindi & Bengali and also in Employment News.
Induction and orientation training is given to all new recruits. DVC has a comprehensive Training Policy that has provision for behavioural and technical training. Leadership and training in Strategic Management is given to senior employees.
Training programmes are conducted both In-house and through external institutes of repute such as ASCII, PMI, IIM Kolkata, ESCI, CBIT, ATI, Power HR Forum, SPC, NPC etc. In-house training programmes are conducted at DVC Training Institute, Chandrapura, Maithon Training Institute & Simulator Training Centre at Mejia.
Students can apply through their institutes/colleges to the project/plant authorities of their choice for carrying out vocational/internship training in various disciplines such as engineering, management etc. An administrative charge of Rs 1000/- (no such charges are taken for wards of DVC employees) is applicable for such training.
DVC has an attractive promotion policy wherein an Assistant Engineer/Manager can reach the level of Executive Director in a time span of 24 years subject to fulfillment of conditions of promotion. The promotional opportunities for non-executives are also attractive.
For executives, Key Performance Area (KPA) based goal setting between appraiser and appraisee linked to organization MOU is followed with appraisal of functional & behavioural competencies. Appraisal is carried out through APAR (Annual Performance Appraisal Reports).
DVC has a robust time bound four stage Grievance Redressal mechanism. Nodal Grievance Redressal Committees (NGRC) is formed at the project/plant level while Corporate Grievance Redressal Committee (CGRC) functions at the Corporate HQs.
DVC has an annual rewards and recognition scheme wherein rewards are given out to best employees of each plant/project and children of DVC employees for extraordinary academic performance on Independence Day every year.
Employees who have joined on or after 01.01.2004 are covered under New Pension Scheme (NPS). The employees are covered under Group Personal Accident Scheme (non contributory), Group Savings linked Insurance Scheme (GSLI-contributory) and can avail LTA (Leave Travel Assistance) as per DVC norms.
Both indoor and outdoor medical facilities are available for employees and their dependents through DVC hospitals and reputed tie up hospitals/clinics in different accessible locations.
In every established project of DVC, housing facilities such as quarters and dormitories are available as per entitlement. Schools for primary and secondary education are established in every plant.
Every plant/project of DVC has welfare centres and recreation clubs where regular & periodical programmes are organized.
All retired pensioners/family pensioners and their spouses are covered under cashless group mediclaim insurance capped to an annual benefit amount.

VANI - Virtual Assistance
