दामोदर घाटी निगम Damodar Valley Corporation

Reservoir Operation & Flood Management

A vast hydro meteorological network with wireless facilities exists over the Damodar catchment area. Total 54 nos.  automatic rain gauges have been installed at various locations in the upper & lower valley, respectively. Real time data of reservoir level, river gauge & rainfall from different locations is being transmitted through existing communication network to central flood control station at Maithon.

Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Kolkata provides 5 days rainfall forecast and subsequent 2 days rainfall outlook for entire Damodar valley region and the same is updated every 12 hour during the entire Monsoon period. Flood Forecasting Unit (FFU) at Maithon predicts the inflow entering into the reservoirs based on the real time input data & the Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) of IMD.


Flood Warning

Before releasing water from the spillway gates of the Dams, necessary warning is communicated well in advance to the downstream industries located along the banks of river, district authorities, municipalities and senior administrative officials of Burdwan, Bankura and Purulia, Irrigation & Waterways Dept., Govt. of West Bengal, Executive Engineer, Damodar Head Works, Durgapur and Member (RM), CWC, New Delhi.

Whenever combined discharge from Maithon & Panchet dams exceeds 651 cumec (23,000 cusecs), special messages are broadcasted through Doordarshan and AIR regional news bulletins.


VANI - Virtual Assistance
