दामोदर घाटी निगम Damodar Valley Corporation

Human Resource

With a strong focus on teamwork and employee engagement the human resources department at DVC strives for continuous development of employees. In keeping with the best practices in HR several policies and initiatives have been launched for planned growth and development of employees.

A brief summary of the major policies/functions of the HR Department.



Training in DVC is primarily governed by the DVC Training Policy, which was introduced in the year 2012. DVC has a major in-house training facility at Chandrapura, Bokaro, Jharkhand, which conducts both technical and behavioural training programmes round the year. DVC also has a Power Plant simulator training centre at MTPS, Bankura, West Bengal, which provides simulator training to its employees. From time to time DVC also engages other prestigious training institutes such as PMI-Noida, ASCI, ESCI, IIM C, ICWAI, ATI, SPC, NPTI etc.


Salient features of the DVC Training Policy:

(A) Implementation is a four stage process:

1. Training Need Identification

2. Preparation of Training Calendar

3. Delivery through process owners such as Heads of Training & Training co-ordinators

4. Evaluation

(B) Induction Training programme for GETs/MTs and the like.

1. At least 5 days of orientation programme for all new recruits is conducted by internal faculty members.

2. Power Plant familiarization training programme for GETs (12 week programme)

3. Technical programme of five (5) days for non-engineers such as MTs/Accounts Officers etc.

4. Training of Trainers (TOT) programme is conducted annually for internal faculty members.

Download HR-Analytics Compendium  (PDF, 8.9MB)

Reward & Recognition:

To acknowledge the exemplary contribution made by employees/workmen and to appreciate the exemplary academic performance done by the wards of the employees, awards in the following categories are being given:

  1. Employee of the Year Award
  2. Employee of the Month Award
  3. Children of DVC employees for extraordinary academic performance.

To encourage healthy competition and give impetus for better overall performance in key functional areas, awards in the following categories are being given:

  1. Best Generating Station Award
  2. Best GOMD Award
  3. Safety Excellence Award

DVC Talent Championship:

This policy has been formulated to develop general management skills among junior/middle level executives like teamwork, creativity, etc. Competition will be open to all the executives and will be on an annual basis. The theme will be relevant to business management and will be notified through Circular inviting entries, in all the projects/units/offices of the Corporation. The competition would have a three-tier structure, initial evaluation will be within the unit, then inter unit evaluation will take place. Winners from each unit will compete in the final round at corporate level. Each team would be required to make written and oral presentations on the theme of the competition. It will be evaluated by Panels of judges decided by the Corporation.

HR Ambassador:

This policy is formulated to resolve employees/internal customers’ queries/ issues in the best possible manner and make them aware of the various corporation policies. HR ambassador is able to get the pulse of the employees and help in implementing all the HR Policies, Procedures, Practices, System in their particular department effectively. HR ambassador is responsible to attend to all the HR related queries/ issues in the best possible manner of departments assigned to him. She/he prepares a consolidated Monthly report based on interaction & present it to ED (HR) for his perusal. Based on feedback received from HODs, ED (HR) chooses an “HR Ambassador of the month” By 7th of each succeeding month. A person winning maximum no of “HR Ambassador of the Month” is declared as “HR Ambassador of the Year”.

Mentoring Scheme:

This policy is formulated to acclimatize the new young employees to the new environment. The Mentor gives advice & guidance to the Mentee as needed. The mentees can develop their own Individual Development Plan with feedback from mentors and supervisors. This will be applicable for the new joinees (GET, MT, Laterally hired). The mentor-mentee are introduced through an ice-breaking session – “Mentorship Summit”. Mentoring meeting is conducted at least once in a month and regular communication is through letters and emails. Best mentorship award “Dronacharya Award” is given to the deserving mentor.

HR Newsletter:

A bi-monthly e-magazine is published by HR Department to make the employees aware of various activities & events conducted in the recent past, to provide update on HR policies and the progress of the Corporation on various parameters, and to encourage continuous learning through quiz on business & current affairs etc. Winners of the quiz competitions are given attractive prizes for encouragement. click here to view

HR Audit:

Regular HR Audits of all HR Units are being done to ensure better compliance & risk management of HR functions. HR Audits have been conducted in 2013, 2016 & 2022. The learnings have helped in streamlining HR functions & improving compliance.

Employee Wellbeing Policy:

To promote employee’s comprehensive well-being, Employee Wellbeing Policy has been formulated to promote wellness initiatives in the Corporation. It is being ensured that all DVC employees and their spouses aged 45 years and above should go for Annual Health Check-up to detect early health issues to prevent further complications. As per policy, employees should mandatorily go for annual health check-up every year and they will be treated on official duty, if they avail the same at some private empaneled hospitals, that is outstation.

Centralized Farewell Program:

To honour the executives & non-executives by the top management for their long service. On the last working day, the employees along with their family members are invited for a farewell lunch to show respect and gratitude to them for their contributions to the Corporation and celebrate the memories of a lifetime they had spent in DVC. The program is regularly attended by the higher management to appreciate the efforts of the retiring employees.

Medical Assistance Scheme for Pensioners & their Spouses and Family Pensioners:

Contributory Post-Retirement Medical Assistance Scheme has been introduced to provide Annual Medical Assistance cover for hospitalization/ in-patient treatment to Executive and Non-Executive who got separated from the service of the Corporation on account of Superannuation, Specified Retirement date, Voluntary Retirement, Permanent or Partial Disablement & Death etc. The Scheme provides annual medical coverage up to a maximum of Rs. 30 Lakhs per family to approximately 21,000 lives.

Picnic Policy:

To foster camaraderie & belongingness amongst employees and their families in an outside informal setting, Picnic Policy has been introduced. Various departments are organizing annual picnics, in which Corporation provide monetary assistance.

DVC Ladies Club - 'UDAAN':

DVC is dedicated to the upliftment of women. To provide a platform to women associated with DVC (Female employees as well as family members of DVC employees), a ‘DVC Ladies Club-‘UDAAN’ has been initiated for ensuring the holistic development of women through promoting socialization & welfare activities among women.



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