Physically Disabled Or Mentally Retarded Children
Before allowing the family pension for life to any such son or daughter, the appointing authority shall satisfy that the disability is of such a nature so as to prevent him or her from earning his or her livelihood and the same shall be evidenced by a certificate obtained from,- (A) an authority competent to issue disability certificate in accordance with the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (49 of 2016), the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 and the guidelines and notifications issued by the Central Government or a State Government or a Union territory administration; or (B) a Medical Board comprising of a Medical Superintendent or a Principal or a Director or Head of the Institution or his nominee as Chairman and two other members, out of which at least one shall be a Specialist in the particular area of disability, setting out, as far as possible, the exact mental or physical condition of the child